Some of you might be all, what’s a doula? Why are Josh and Stef such hippies with this whole birth thing? Well....what if I told you that there was a pill you could take during labor that would make you:
26% less likely to give birth by cesarean section
28% less likely to use any analgesia or anesthesia (including epidural)
41% less likely to give birth with forceps or vacuum extractor
33% less likely to be dissatisfied or negatively rate their birth experience
Well that can’t be found in a bottle, friends. Those are the results of studies showing what happens when a woman is supported by a doula in labor. (Findings of Hodnett's et al meta-analysis of 15 trials of continuous labor support from N. America, Europe, and Africa)
We are interviewing a doula tomorrow at panera bread! She was so very sweet on the phone. And she's worked with our midwife too. I feel like between her and josh and Becky (midwife), I will have a whole team of people rooting on baby bot’s entry to the world. Now I will just see tomorrow if I feel comfortable having her be privy to my lady bits and seeing me, you know…labor possibly like a mad woman (it is possible that I might bite). Bonus Points: She’s a Licensed Massage Therapist.
And don’t forget to VOTE on the sex of baby bot. Poll is to your right.