Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Well it turns out that the night before last someone replaced the baby with 10 shots of vodka, because it was that morning of freshman year all over again. I literally struggle not to vomit all over the keyboard as I type.

Common misconceptions about morning sickness.
It is all day long people.
I only felt slightly queasy between 12-2pm and 5-6pm yesterday. The rest of the day was pure hell. And you would know to the minute too when some relief comes your way.
It comes out both ends. I literally had to flip a coin yesterday of which end was going to get the toilet first.
It makes you regress. I want to get on the floor, pound my fists and kick my legs and scream because I am so frustrated with this feeling. It is enough to feel like this for a couple days, but all I see are the horrible weeks ahead spread out before me.
I don’t want to eat anything healthy. The only thing I can stomach is salty french fries. Saltines taste like ashtrays and the idea of vegetables... oh god!
Writing about morning sickness makes it worse. My sister told me I have to keep my mind off of it… oooooookay?!
You always speak too soon. I told josh today that I was feeling better today, but at 12:00pm everything came crashing down.
You still have to go to work and make zee monies. It is barbaric I say!
You don’t always get the luxury of puking at home. I just feel like I am in some nightmare box when I have to go into the stalls at work.


  1. Stef-
    Sorry to hear that you are tossing bocce. Your neighbors and co-workers (assuming that you still haven't told them of the B-Bot) probably just assume that you are an alcoholic or have an eating disorder. Either way, you likely have some well-intentioned literature coming your way. Feeling sick on occasion sucks; thus my professionally-honed grasp of empathy tells me that morning sickness sucks really hard. I hope it eases up soon.


  2. Stef -- I'm so sorry. I had hoped that morning sickness wouldn't happen to you but clearly it has.

    Re diet: I ate whatever the bleep I wanted the first trimester. Whatever food I could tolerate was the food that Lily was getting. Period.


    PS: Watch your mailbox.
