Stretch marks? None yet.
Best moment this week: How about laughing until I started choking because a skier took a tumble trying out for the Olympics? Then coughing and laughing so hard that I peed myself a little. Okay… fine I plain out pissed my pants. Luckily I was at home and already on the ground rolling around with laughter. Kegels here we come …

Food aversions: Still pizza sauce, or any red sauce. And salmon.
Gender: It’s a boy. Oh, how I love him already.
Labor Signs: Some mild contractions (Braxton Hicks). I think I have an Irritable Uterus.. That’s Dr. Google for you. But it seriously describes me to a T.
Belly Button in or out? It is half way there. Like right on the cusp of poking out.
What I miss: Sedatives sedatives SEDATIVES!!!!! Just kidding (well a little). I do miss not looking roly poly. I feel like the last month I have packed it in. Where’s my cute little bump? Why are my cheeks so chipmunk-y? I’m starting to look seriously pregnant.
What I am looking forward to: The third trimester in just two weeks!! Also, putting together the crib, birthing classes in February,
Weekly Wisdom: If you gotta go, GO! Otherwise you will be sorry. Oh yes, you will indeed be sorry.
Milestones: Buying the crib, narrowing down the name,
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