I’m in the third trimester! Well according to some books, that milestone was two weeks ago, but some tell me I’m just starting it today.
Ever since I got pregnant, people have been telling me that the 2nd trimester is the best. I was juuuuust getting used to it, and I feel like someone dropped me off at third trimester’s doorstep and drove away without a note. I’ve expected some doom and gloom music this morning, but I feel fine. I get dizzy spells and pressure on my chest (it feels like my fat cat Leela is laying on me). I also find that turning over in bed is a three step process. Going up the stairs has an intermission where I reflect on life and catch my breath halfway. I can’t pick up anything off the floor lower than a shoe without grunting. I’m clumsy so I end up grunting a LOT at work. When I drop a book, I sort of stare at it for a while in awe of how far away it is. Sidenote: even not pregnant I could never touch my toes. I was like 6 inches away. So it’s almost like I have to compress my tummy to bend over, and it just doesn’t work. Someone told me to bend my knees. I mean really! Thank you Mr. Obvious! That stomach is just in my way.
A woman I was helping at work took one look at my belly and said “you’re due any day now, huh?” I was like, actually more like 2 months! So assume I will become hilarious looking.
Bot is doing fine. Well, he gave us a scare on Saturday when he didn’t move all day or all that evening. I had gotten so used to him giving me his good night kicks in bed, I felt weird going to bed without them. So I ate three oranges and a bowl of chocolate iced cream. I did feel one small kick, but it was so light, I was worried he was sick. On top of that, my bump seemed to have . But he’s moving up a storm right now a few days later as I type. I’m still drinking water like it’s my job. On Thursday rushing around and setting up for a program I had so many Braxton hicks contractions, I thought something was terribly wrong. I am trying some deep breathing techniques. I find I need to rest and drink 16 ounces of water before walking to my car at the end of the day. As you can tell exercising is out of the question. I have to walk slow to avoid my uterus turning into a hard ball o’ cramp. I know according to my midwife it is too early to have them this frequent. But I am still taking them in stride as best I can. What else can I do? Lots of water and moving sloooooooow helps.
And now a message to bot:
Dear bot, you scared the shit out of me on Saturday! My mind went through a thousand scenarios, and I know now that this is just the beginning of worry worry worry. So far a lot of my thoughts of you are wondering what position you are inside me. As you know my placenta is right in front, so it took me a while to feel you moving. I wish I didn’t have that extra layer between us (stupid placenta.. move already!) I’ve heard that I can see a foot, or feel the difference between an elbow and a knee. I do think that the other day I felt your head sitting right under my chest. It could have been your butt. Either way I patted it and laughed which I always do when I feel you moving. I hope you stay in there as long as possible and get healthy and strong. I hope you can feel how big my heart has swelled in love for you. I’m ready for the third round in trimesters!
Yayyyy!! Congrats on entering the HOME STRETCH!!! I am soooo excited for you! I can't believe you have a little baby inside of you. I'm so anxious to hear what his name is going to be! Are you waiting until he is born to tell everyone the name? Or are some people already in the loop? :)
ReplyDeleteummmm you are cursing at your kid. Hee hee...keep drinking the water and just focus on your main job of providing shelter and food to my lil nephew til he is ready to appear.
ReplyDeleteHow is the nursery going?