Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 8, 2010

40ish week appointment

I don’t usually write about my appointments with our two midwives Becky and Emily. Basically because all I do is get on the scale (and grumble), pee in a cup, get my blood pressure taken, hear the baby’s heartbeat, have my tummy measured and chat with the midwife a bit. Even the appointment where we went over the birthplan was ho hum as all of our preferences are pretty much the status quo with their clients. The main benefit is getting to know our providers!

But TODAY was just a little bit different. I’m 40 weeks this weekend. I didn’t expect to be checked. I mean everything I’ve read says that internals are useless. You could walk around at 3cm for 3 weeks, or you can go from zero to baby in a day. However, you really don’t know how you are going to feel about something until you experience it. I needed to get SOME information. Plus it’s all a prequel to the birth story. So when Emily asked if I wanted to be checked I said: YES PLEASE

Some background on birthing a baby: Your cervix must open from 0-10cm (dilation), and thin out (effacement) from 0 percent to 100 percent. Additionally the baby drops from -4 station (high) to +4 station(seeing the head).

So to have a baby you have to be 10 cm dilated, 100 percent effaced. I’m not sure what station is needed to start pushing. Too lazy to google.

I am dilated 1cm, 50 percent effaced and at -2 station. I love my little stats! I mean I’m already halfway effaced! I’d like to stitch these stats into a quilt and wrap myself up with them. They are warm and cozy to me. Next Thursday we will see if I have progressed any more.

I have a non-stress test, and an ultrasound to check fluid levels after 41 weeks. 42 weeks is the longest the practice will let me go before I am medically induced.

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