Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Nobody is going to believe this
That’s what I was thinking when it happened.
First let’s take care of old business before we move on to new business. The final cylon was revealed on Battlestar Galactic. Also an unprecedented occurrence happened: Two cylons did the horizontal mambo and totally made a baby! With the destruction of the resurrection ship (which had previously granted immortality to cylons), being able to reproduce the old fashioned way is a big deal for the future of the cylon race!!
Trust me, this useless fact will play into the new business soon. So for all of you who skimmed the last paragraph (mom), you might want to read it!
SO! On to new business! Me and Josh are watching our umpteenth episode of Battlestar on Saturday night. A real marathon that only other fraking nerds would appreciate (frak is the f-word in the future!). During the show, I feel some gas bubbles in my tummy. I figure even if it isn’t the baby, maybe josh should put his hand on my tummy to see if he can feel something too. Not three minutes later it happens!
The baby kicks for the first time, and josh felt the first kick for himself with me! Unbelievable!! It felt like a boop! It felt like a bop! Basically, it felt like a tiny foot kicked me. I had always expected that I would have to dim the lights, sit still and turn off all noise and really focus to feel something. But this was like Pow! -right in the kisser! The best part about it? There was no mistaking it! Finally!
I turned to josh and said “Did you feel that!?” And he said “yeah, it got me right here (points to area right below his ring finger)”. Of course I ruined the moment by making josh do a play by play of what exactly happened, the pressure of the kick and his initial reaction like 5 times. I had him poke me in the arm to demonstrate the strength of the baby. I also corrected him when he pointed to a different area of his hand that was kicked. On and on I went.
I have not felt a kick since. But I am starting to think these rolling movements are the baby. Like a tongue moving on the inside of your cheek. Granted I’m really gassy. So that’s still up in the air.
So, ready for crazy coincidence number 2? Remember that knocked up cylon? Well not 10 minutes later they have their own tender scene where daddy cylon feels the baby kick! Both cylons burst into tears of joy. I gave josh the side eye wondering what happened to the waterworks on our end(!!). Long story short, the cylon baby fetus and his tear jerking kicking scene upstaged us. Big time.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Halftime Update
During all of this, there’s a feeling of time passing slowly, yet forcefully. It feels like a long time since Stef got pregnant (and I know that means nothing coming from me because she’s the one going through it all). But April is coming quick, we’re already at the holidays with the new year around the corner. I feel like we should do something to make the most of our last days before parenthood, but I don’t know what.
At the same time, there’s something about having our kid growing inside Stefanie’s body that makes the passing of time very cool, and I want time to continue moving. Each week brings a new adventure. Once time drums forward to April, the future of life will arrive.
(And then that future of life has 20 years before they’re outta here! Hey, maybe that’ll be his name: Future. I gotta run that one by Stef.) - Josh
How far along?
How far along? 20 weeks
Total weight gain: 6 pounds. They say you should gain 25-35 pounds, so I can’t wait to start eating my way to that! Oh boy!
Maternity clothes? There are a couple shirts I can still wear, but the maternity pants are a must!
Stretch marks? None.
Sleep: I hate sleeping on my side. The body pillow helps nothing.
Best moment this week: Having the ultrasound. I can’t believe there is a baby in there. He was moving so much.
Movement: I don’t think so. Nothing that shouts baby. Instead it could be gas, round ligament pain, or even just my uterus growing. Sometimes I think something rolled over, but the feeling lingers way too long.
Food cravings: Buffalo chicken dip (shredded chicken breast, cream cheese, frank’s hot sauce, blue cheese) heated up until it is melty and spread on toasted French bread. YUM!
Food aversions: Pizza sauce- still and salmon
Gender: It’s a boy! 75 percent for sure!
Labor Signs: Negative
Belly Button in or out? In, but starting to stretch a bit
What I miss: Sedatives and sleeping on my back
What I am looking forward to: The holidays with my family! Thanksgiving with the in-laws and Christmas with my immediate family. So excited!
Weekly Wisdom: I am not deformed. I am pregnant.
Milestones: Healthy baby at the midway ultrasound.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
First Outfit/First Gift!
So yesterday I went to Target to see if I could find an outfit that would inspire me. I hadn’t bought any baby items yet, and I was determined to make this whole baby thing more “real”. It was actually harder than I thought! First of all Target’s newborn boy section was sprinkled throughout only one and half racks. Secondly, there were a lot of too warm wintery type things, Christmas type things, and a lot of sports themes that didn’t have single baseball on it (my compromise to josh). I immediately nixed the outfit that proclaimed “Here Comes Trouble”. I also gave the side eye to the one that declared “I Like Mud!” I refuse to raise a messy delinquent!!!
So basically I ended up getting a very gender neutral, arguably boring sleeper. I think the stars say, “I’d like to be an astronaut, mom!” or possibly inspire him to be a star on Broadway.

First gift!
A huge thanks to Adam and Keri for sending us a baby gift! I feel like there is something in there for the whole family. I’m sure josh will benefit from the stretch mark cream. Although if they are coming, they are coming! And josh: We are already married, so tough cookies if your woman goes all crazy body with the map lines post-baby. Nobody said motherhood was pretty! :)
side shot
Friday, November 13, 2009
Where am I?
I'm trapped in hormonal HELL that's where I am. Abandon all hope, ye who cross my path. I'm not saying I agree with what Christian Bale did...
…..but... I did indeed feel like channeling him on several recent occasions. And worse, I had a very clear image of me being arrested at the following locations:
My favorite Italian café. The cheese was still cold on my mozzarella, prosciutto and tomato panini. I told those bastards I wanted it warm damn it!!! Stop rushing the sandwich out of the grill just because you get a line of customers in!
The post office today: That surly jerkface postal worker made it seem like I was a problem customer. Why didn’t he want to help me deduce where a missing package was? I know it wasn’t his fault, I just wanted some freakin’ insight. Did he realize how close I was to Hulk smashing the place? HULK SMASH!!!!
My stupid neighbors: We share a WALL. Please stop playing your athletic version of beer pong at 1:00am on a Thursday night. You sound like a bunch of drunken elephants. I was this close to going over there in my pajamas and flipping over that freakin’ ping pong ball table. And then I was going to set fire to their porch because those beer cans have been out there since this SUMMER. Where are you going to drink now, huh? Huh!? Your porch is torched! HAHAHA!
Patience Stefanie. You will get your sweet revenge when bot is screaming all night long. I shall hold him up to the wall.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
It's a BOY!
The doctor said he is 75 percent sure it is a boy. I guess his boy bit could be the cord, or a hand or whatever. I really don’t want a lot of boy type things, more neutral… so either way, ya know? I am excited that josh has someone to do sports and outdoor activities with while mommy nurses her martini. Haha, just kidding.
Hmm, I feel like this whole blog has been about the anticipation of having a boy or a girl. I think it just hit me that I am not just having a baby but a SON! I want him to be really into dinosaurs and sci-fi. And of course we will love to read. We will read the same books…. Together! Here is a picture of him right now. Well, you have to hold a ultrasound machine up to the computer screen. But he’s in there!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Finding Out
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
What a wonderful week!
I am super psyched out of my mind because me and Josh are watching the final season of Battlestar Galactica, scheduled to arrive in the mail via Netflix on Thursday. So not only will the sex of baby bot be revealed that day, but also the FINAL CYLON WILL BE UNCOVERED!!! Who will it be? They say it is a well known character. For those of you not hip to the show, basically a cyclon is a robot who looks human. But they have feeeeeeelings! However, they are our sworn enemy! Yet… they are hidden among us, and even THEY don’t know that they are cylons. Why, it could be your best friend or your baby’s daddy. Instant drama! Anyhoo, I bet it is one of these people in this photo! (no spoilers…please)

Confession: I am a little concerned that my ability to survive a zombie outbreak on an apocalyptic scale will be hampered just a wee bit by a crybaby bot who will totally narc on our hidden location just because he/she needs a diaper change!!! Too young to realize that silence is our best defense (sigh). Aye aye aye, being a mom is hard already.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Life moves pretty fast

The first couple of weeks after we found out, I thought that everything would change. It seemed it was always on my mind. It also seemed like ordinary things such as going to meetings or cleaning the kitchen had an extra something to it. Of course when the morning sickness hit, THAT was all I could think about.
But now I’m at a weird time in the pregnancy. I’m not really showing -- strangers would think I had too many beers before thinking me pregnant. I can’t feel the baby move-- I thought I did over a week ago, but nada since. I also don’t have many symptoms -- I kinda feel like myself except I can’t stay up past midnight.
At the same time, I know I will only be pregnant for such a short amount of time compared to my lifespan, so I want to really really revel in it. I feel like I am taking it for granted a bit when I go about my day not reflecting or gushing on the inside about it. Well you know, be more like Ferris Bueller.
So I thought I’d share my thoughts and activities of the pregnancy the past couple of weeks:
I do a lot of sitting still trying to feel the baby move.
I’m obsessed about the day of the gender ultrasound.
I worry that I am wearing the same boring maternity clothes over and over. I thought I’d be more stylish!
The only thing interesting coming up besides the gender is the birth, so I read and read on the topic (and blog about that topic) a LOT!
I spend a lot of time stopping at the mirror to see if I’ve gotten bigger.
I still see my own baby bump as just a big gut. Like it just seems like extra fat to me.
I also check on other non belly areas to see if they’ve gotten bigger!
I check my face for this “mask of pregnancy” thing I’m going to get.
I bitch and moan about my sciatic nerve pain. Right in the left side of my butt! It makes my job difficult at times.
I worry about getting good nutrition in everyday, and I get mad at the occasional day where my only vegetable was a french fry.
Did I take all three doses of my iron supplements today?
I miss sleeping on my back. It is the only way I can fall asleep quickly it seems.
I get paranoid I’m not drinking enough water because I wake up in the middle of the night really thirsty.
That’s all I've got so far!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
BYOB (bring your own birthing ball)

We had our hospital tour last night. Can I just say that I used to think I had a baby bump until last night? The four other couples were ready to pop, and I felt like the young kid at the adult table just swinging my feet.
It was very surreal. As we drove to the hospital I pretended I was having contractions. Josh noted that I would not be driving in that scenario. I said I might if he was feeling faint! It is about 15 minutes to St Ann’s Hospital. I made some faux puffing breaths, and we discussed how to get a police escort.
The tour started out with some information given by a nurse in a classroom, and then we looked at the rooms on the labor and delivery floor, the post partum floor and finally the nursery.
I came prepared with over 20 questions, and my paper and pen. I noticed the other couples hands were empty. The only questions they had were about H1N1. I was like, seriously?? 15 minutes of our one hour tour talking about the flu? Oh I forgot, there was one other question a couple had about how big the sleeping couch was for Dads. I was really confused. Didn’t they want to know if continuous monitoring was standard? Or the patient to staff ratio? Or the hospital’s c-section rate? I guess they really just wanted to see the accommodations and that was it.
I asked five of my 20 questions before realizing I was the only one in the room who cared. So, I asked the nurse giving the tour if I could come up after the tour to ask the rest. Apparently she has gone rogue on her hospital, because after everyone left she pulled up a chair and gave us the dirty details. She was really excited to talk to us because she is a huge advocate of natural/unmediated birth and immediate bonding with the baby. But, honestly I felt that if her boss was listening she would be reprimanded at best.
She said that the rate of augmentation of labor has gotten out of control. Everyone is being induced or given pitocin. She said that unless I have a written note from my midwife, I will automatically be hooked up to an IV in triage (upon arrival). She emphasized that when I come in to let them know I want a nurse who is willing to work with my birth plan because a lot of nurses on staff don’t want to work with a woman without an epidural. She told josh he would be my advocate in changing nurses if it came to this.
She said if I wanted a completely intervention free birth in this hospital and was going with an OB, it would be difficult. She was really excited that we had a midwife because nearly every doctor just defaults to the hospital’s standard procedures. She’s worked with my midwife and knows that she can (and will) overrule standard hospital practices such as continuous monitoring, having an IV, labor augmentation, eating and drinking in labor, letting the umbilical cord finish pulsing before it is cut, and even giving birth in the labor tub. That set my mind at ease, otherwise, I’d be pushing that baby out in my living room.
We talked for an hour and she gave me her home number if I had any other questions. We will probably do the tour again in our third trimester. We will probably have other questions and it was exciting activity for us!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Let's put those Old Wives Tales to test!

(All applicable things to me in BOLD)
It's a boy if:
· You didn't experience morning sickness in early pregnancy
· Your baby's heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute
· You are carrying the extra weight out front
· Your belly looks like a basketball
· Your areolas have darkened considerably (ooooh TMI here)
· You are carrying low
· You are craving salty or sour foods
· You are craving protein -- meats and cheese
· Your feet are colder than they were before pregnancy
· The hair on your legs has grown faster during pregnancy (2nd TMI here)
· Your hands are very dry
· Your pillow faces north when you sleep
· Dad-to-be is gaining weight, right along with you
· Pregnancy has you looking better than ever
· Your urine is bright yellow in color
· Your nose is spreading
· You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves in circles
· You are having headaches
· You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an even number
It's a girl if:
· You had morning sickness early in pregnancy
· Your baby's heart rate is at least 140 beats per minute
· You are carrying the weight in your hips and rear
· Your left breast is larger than your right breast
· Your hair develops red highlights
· You are carrying high ( I had a co-worker tell me this)
· Your belly looks like a watermelon
· You are craving sweets
· You are craving fruit
· You crave orange juice
· You don't look quite as good as normal during pregnancy (sad but true)
· You are moodier than usual during pregnancy (duh!)
· Your face breaks out more than usual (please, no flash photography)
· You refuse to eat the heel of a loaf of bread
· Your breasts have really blossomed! (bow chicka wow wow)
· Your pillow faces south when you sleep
· Your urine is a dull yellow color
· You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves from side to side
- You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an odd number