Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 12, 2009

It's a BOY!

It’s a boy! Baby bot is a regular robot and not a fem-bot. My favorite part of the ultrasound was when bot was lying face up and you could see his profile. All of a sudden I blinked and he had turned his back. I was like, wow, they can do that? He had legs and arms flying everywhere because I drank a gallon of OJ which was supposed to get him moving.
The doctor said he is 75 percent sure it is a boy. I guess his boy bit could be the cord, or a hand or whatever. I really don’t want a lot of boy type things, more neutral… so either way, ya know? I am excited that josh has someone to do sports and outdoor activities with while mommy nurses her martini. Haha, just kidding.
Hmm, I feel like this whole blog has been about the anticipation of having a boy or a girl. I think it just hit me that I am not just having a baby but a SON! I want him to be really into dinosaurs and sci-fi. And of course we will love to read. We will read the same books…. Together! Here is a picture of him right now. Well, you have to hold a ultrasound machine up to the computer screen. But he’s in there!


  1. WOOO HOOO let the boy names commence! Congrats mommy and daddy!!! Stef...I need a profile pic! I cant see the belly!!!

    Again guys..that is wonderful ur having a boy!


  2. I am soo glad for ya'll! I will have both, a girl and a boy for grandchildren. I can just see Ella mothering her little boy cousin. I agree with Janeen, Let the boy names begin! I have some good ones.
    Congrats and enjoy the new life that you made together!


  3. Congratulations! Although that would have to be said either way. I totally agree, when you know the gender I would feel like it becomes more your child than before. I am so happy for you guys.

    - Amy
