The first couple of weeks after we found out, I thought that everything would change. It seemed it was always on my mind. It also seemed like ordinary things such as going to meetings or cleaning the kitchen had an extra something to it. Of course when the morning sickness hit, THAT was all I could think about.
But now I’m at a weird time in the pregnancy. I’m not really showing -- strangers would think I had too many beers before thinking me pregnant. I can’t feel the baby move-- I thought I did over a week ago, but nada since. I also don’t have many symptoms -- I kinda feel like myself except I can’t stay up past midnight.
At the same time, I know I will only be pregnant for such a short amount of time compared to my lifespan, so I want to really really revel in it. I feel like I am taking it for granted a bit when I go about my day not reflecting or gushing on the inside about it. Well you know, be more like Ferris Bueller.
So I thought I’d share my thoughts and activities of the pregnancy the past couple of weeks:
I do a lot of sitting still trying to feel the baby move.
I’m obsessed about the day of the gender ultrasound.
I worry that I am wearing the same boring maternity clothes over and over. I thought I’d be more stylish!
The only thing interesting coming up besides the gender is the birth, so I read and read on the topic (and blog about that topic) a LOT!
I spend a lot of time stopping at the mirror to see if I’ve gotten bigger.
I still see my own baby bump as just a big gut. Like it just seems like extra fat to me.
I also check on other non belly areas to see if they’ve gotten bigger!
I check my face for this “mask of pregnancy” thing I’m going to get.
I bitch and moan about my sciatic nerve pain. Right in the left side of my butt! It makes my job difficult at times.
I worry about getting good nutrition in everyday, and I get mad at the occasional day where my only vegetable was a french fry.
Did I take all three doses of my iron supplements today?
I miss sleeping on my back. It is the only way I can fall asleep quickly it seems.
I get paranoid I’m not drinking enough water because I wake up in the middle of the night really thirsty.
That’s all I've got so far!
What a lovely blog...keep it up. i refered to my second trimester as my fat trimester. Where people just thought...oh oh she is gaining that weight back. I still remember coming back to school after the summer off. I was NINE months pregnant and most of the teachers i worked with were, "wow, your pregnant, I didn't know" to which I would reply, "im I was 6 and a half months pregnant when the school year ended!!!!" Sigh
ReplyDeleteIts a gradual thing Stef. Kinda like when u are drunk...you never feel yourself really getting there...you just realize you are! You probably wont be able to pinpoint that exactly moment when ur belly turned "pregger cute" But you will remember the day, you squeeze ur boob and yellow stuff comes out (can i say ummm creeped me out a bit, I still had 6 weeks to go)..when ur mucus plug comes out (though mine did in parts...weird)
Re: The baby moving. i recall thinking it was Ella moving, but the dr burst my bubble and said it was gas...then when it was her moving..guess what. it FELT LIKE GAS hahahaha. It not like you suddenly feel a boom (I know i was naive and expected that) but little flutters that just get stronger and stronger til u realize...hey! that felt like a foot.
I think the movement felt real to me when others could feel her from the outside. I remember trying to get Geoff to feel and I would say "did u feel that!?!" and he would say..umm no. I remember thinking, why cant he feel that HUGE movement. lol. But I do recall clearly when he did.
There will be lots of moments you will CLEARLY look back on. I think you are doing a great job enjoying this pregnancy...no taking for granted that i see
Don't rush this experience. I loved, absolutely loved being pregnant. You can eat all you want and not show any sign of it. LOL But when you actuall feel and see the movement in your stomach, it was awesome!! You will know for sure that it wasn't Gas this time!!
I never understood the whole gas thing. I've never had gas feel like what the baby felt like. I think I told you before, the early movements were so fun. They felt like Pop Rocks candy going off inside me. I've heard other people describe it as popping popcorn. Then it turned into what felt like someone lightly running their fingernail on the inside of my stomach. It was ticklish. Once it happens, you'll know. It's so fun.
ReplyDeleteBe prepared for it to take much longer for Josh to be able to feel movement. Even after kicks start happening, it takes a while for those kicks to be able to be felt on the outside. I think it was a good 4 weeks after I felt kicking that Adam could finally feel them. Plus, they're hard to time. I would have one and then tell Adam to feel my stomach. After about 10 minutes of him sitting there with his hand on my belly, we gave up. Sure enough, the kicks would happen every time he wasn't trying to feel.
But when the kicks are discernable on the outside, that's when then the fun begins! It was insane to watch my belly move like it did. Luke did some amazing flips and turns. At times, it looked like I had a massive tumor on the side of my stomach. I'm so excited for you! There is nothing better than feeling a baby move inside you.