We had our hospital tour last night. Can I just say that I used to think I had a baby bump until last night? The four other couples were ready to pop, and I felt like the young kid at the adult table just swinging my feet.
It was very surreal. As we drove to the hospital I pretended I was having contractions. Josh noted that I would not be driving in that scenario. I said I might if he was feeling faint! It is about 15 minutes to St Ann’s Hospital. I made some faux puffing breaths, and we discussed how to get a police escort.
The tour started out with some information given by a nurse in a classroom, and then we looked at the rooms on the labor and delivery floor, the post partum floor and finally the nursery.
I came prepared with over 20 questions, and my paper and pen. I noticed the other couples hands were empty. The only questions they had were about H1N1. I was like, seriously?? 15 minutes of our one hour tour talking about the flu? Oh I forgot, there was one other question a couple had about how big the sleeping couch was for Dads. I was really confused. Didn’t they want to know if continuous monitoring was standard? Or the patient to staff ratio? Or the hospital’s c-section rate? I guess they really just wanted to see the accommodations and that was it.
I asked five of my 20 questions before realizing I was the only one in the room who cared. So, I asked the nurse giving the tour if I could come up after the tour to ask the rest. Apparently she has gone rogue on her hospital, because after everyone left she pulled up a chair and gave us the dirty details. She was really excited to talk to us because she is a huge advocate of natural/unmediated birth and immediate bonding with the baby. But, honestly I felt that if her boss was listening she would be reprimanded at best.
She said that the rate of augmentation of labor has gotten out of control. Everyone is being induced or given pitocin. She said that unless I have a written note from my midwife, I will automatically be hooked up to an IV in triage (upon arrival). She emphasized that when I come in to let them know I want a nurse who is willing to work with my birth plan because a lot of nurses on staff don’t want to work with a woman without an epidural. She told josh he would be my advocate in changing nurses if it came to this.
She said if I wanted a completely intervention free birth in this hospital and was going with an OB, it would be difficult. She was really excited that we had a midwife because nearly every doctor just defaults to the hospital’s standard procedures. She’s worked with my midwife and knows that she can (and will) overrule standard hospital practices such as continuous monitoring, having an IV, labor augmentation, eating and drinking in labor, letting the umbilical cord finish pulsing before it is cut, and even giving birth in the labor tub. That set my mind at ease, otherwise, I’d be pushing that baby out in my living room.
We talked for an hour and she gave me her home number if I had any other questions. We will probably do the tour again in our third trimester. We will probably have other questions and it was exciting activity for us!
I'm glad you heard some reassuring information on your hospital tour. I remember being the only one asking questions during our tour and generally during our birthing class. After some of my questions I could see that the responses got the other moms-to-be thinking. I wanted to say "see, now what if I hadn't asked that question??"
ReplyDeleteOh, but can I say that you will not be able to drive yourself to the hospital during labor! If Josh feels faint, call 911 or get a friend to drive. During our 5 minute ride, I could barely focus let alone operate a vehicle! Plus, when you get there someone will have to park the car.
I meant to say that I have a birthing ball, if you'd like to borrow it. Just let me know.
ReplyDeleteAnother trick for the drive to the hospital is to put a trash bag or tarp between you and the car seat. That way if your water breaks en route, you don't get amniotic fluid all over the upholstery.
Thank you for helping me with the BYOB- haha
ReplyDeleteOh my on the water breaking en route! Hadn't thought of that one! We are definitely going to be taking Josh's banged up car and not my honda to the hospital.
Yeah, it was something we learned along our pregnancy journey. Relatedly, we were also given the advice of putting a towel or trash bag or something between you and your bed when you sleep. That way if your water breaks while you're sleeping, you don't get it soaked through your bed. Obviously, these are tips for the last few weeks. :)